This Is the Joke That Had Michelle Obama Rolling Her Eyes at John Boehner [UPDATE]
Everyone — well, nearly everyone — was enthralled by Michelle Obama's ostensible shade-throwing in the direction of John Boehner during yesterday's Inauguration Day luncheon at the Capitol.
[There was a video here]
What could the Speaker have said to her husband to make FLOTUS flout Robert's Rules in such a flaw-free manner? The investigative hard-hitters at Inside Edition believe they have the answer.
With the help of their resident lip-reader Larry Wenig, the news magazine pored over footage of the First Lady's now-infamous eye-roll, and came back with the source of Mrs. Obama's dismissive response: A joke about her husband's erstwhile smoking habit.
According to Wenig, Boehner — a smoker — tapped the First Lady on the arm before asking President Obama if he had a cigarette after delivering his inauguration address. Obama, who reportedly quit smoking in 2010, makes an unseen reply, prompting Boehner to add, "somebody won't let you do it."
Good one. *eye roll*
UPDATE: Reached for comment, Boehner spokesman Michael Steel denied Inside Edition's theory, telling The Hill's In The Know blog it was "not true." But do the lips speak for themselves?