After being alerted by a reporter for WABC's Eyewitness News to the peril of a shivering pooch that had apparently been stranded outside by its owner on a bitterly cold night in Newark, Mayor Cory Booker responded by heading out into the cold to personally rescue the chilly dog from certain doom.

After arriving at the scene, Booker, followed closely by a police car, kept the dog sheltered and phoned the dog's owner to get some answers.

"This is brutal weather, this dog is shaking really bad and you just can't leave your dogs out here on a day like this and go away and expect them to be ok," the mayor told Eyewitness News.

It was later revealed that Cha Cha's owner was away in Queens and was unaware that his dog had been wandering around outside.

He thanked the mayor for saving the animal, and Booker in turn thanked reporter Toni Yates for reaching out to him.

Concerning Booker's predilection for doing good deeds, one Farker made a rather astute observation:

Cory Booker conquered ice when he saved the dog from the freezing cold.
Cory Booker conquered fire when he saved a woman from a burning home.
Cory Booker conquered wind when he gave people shelter, delivered food, diapers, and blankets during Sandy.

I'm guessing there's an earthquake in Newark's not-to-distant future.

[screengrab via WABC]