
Cory Booker's Name Has Become a Synonym for "Sellout"

Hamilton Nolan · 07/28/16 04:26PM

It is interesting to reflect on the fact that in just one decade, Cory Booker has gone from Inspirational Activist Mayor of a Devastated Black City to Untouchable Neoliberal Scum.

Cory Booker Remembered His Girlfriend’s Birthday

J.K. Trotter · 12/16/13 11:07AM

Remember Bianca Levin, Cory Booker’s Hollywood girlfriend? The Yale grad and entertainment lawyer, first tied to Booker by Page Six last month, turned up in an Open Public Records Act request filed by Gawker for the infamously private New Jersey senator’s correspondence. Neither Booker nor Levin have confirmed the relationship, so thus far we've only had the New York Post’s good word to go on. These records appear to confirm the fling.

Harry Reid Praises Cory Booker's Size

Sarah Hedgecock · 10/28/13 03:26PM

Harry Reid took some time today to introduce newly minted Senator Cory Booker: "What a remarkable young man [...] Cory Booker—everyone will meet him here—they'll find that he's a very big man, physically."

Lacey Donohue · 10/16/13 08:39PM

Newark Mayor Cory Booker is now Senator Cory Booker.

Bloomberg Now Bankrolling Cory Booker’s Flagging Campaign

J.K. Trotter · 10/07/13 03:41PM

Cory Booker wants to be a senator so bad. But a string of disturbances—including Booker’s Twitter-flirting with a Portland stripper—have finally caught up to the ambitious Newark mayor: Booker’s lead over Republican Steve Lonegan, once as wide as the Hudson River, now sits between 12 and 3 percent. So Mike Bloomberg, having nothing better to do with his time or money, is bankrolling a pro-Booker ad campaign. Who said Cory Booker spent too much time in Manhattan?

Cory Booker Flirted With This Portland Stripper on Twitter

J.K. Trotter · 09/25/13 04:47PM

Benny Johnson at BuzzFeed reports that Newark Mayor and U.S. Senate hopeful Cory Booker exchanged private direct messages on Twitter with a Portland stripper named Lynsie Lee last February. “The East Coast loves you, and by the East Coast I mean me,” Booker wrote in one. Lee and Booker both appeared in a movie about Twitter called Follow Friday, which appears to be why they started tweeting at each in the first place.

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 09/21/13 03:58PM

Newark Mayor and presumptive Senator Cory Booker appeared in a pitch for a reality show that would have highlighted the rise of Newark real estate developer Tate George. Embarrassingly, the former NBA player George was running a large Ponzi scheme at the time. But this is just what happen when you have a lot of friends.

Cory Booker Ditches Terrible Startup Before Ramping Up Senate Bid

Cord Jefferson · 09/06/13 04:14PM

Less than a month after winning a special U.S. Senate primary election in New Jersey, Newark Mayor Cory Booker is cutting ties with his miserable failure of a startup, Waywire, a company he founded last year whose purpose is unclear at best. You may remember Waywire—whose scandals are detailed below—as the outfit that put a rich little boy on its advisory board and may have used Booker's influence to raise more than $1 million for its murky mission. Waywire also lost its CEO last month.

Did Cory Booker Make Up a Newark Drug Dealer?

J.K. Trotter · 08/29/13 01:43PM

Cory Booker, the attention-loving Democratic mayor of Newark who is currently running for U.S. Senate, has repeatedly claimed he befriended a drug dealer named “T-Bone” when he first moved to Newark in 1995. Up until 2008, he told this story fairly often, wrenching the hearts of interviewers and audiences. But according to Eliana Johnson at National Review, “T-Bone” is almost certainly not a real person. Rutgers University history professor Clement Price, Johnson writes,

Cory Booker: Gay or Not Gay? (Round 1,452)

J.K. Trotter · 08/28/13 01:20PM

Newark Mayor and U.S. Senate hopeful Cory Booker is once again parrying questions about whether he likes dudes. Is he gay? Bisexual? Completely straight? (Asexual?) The only person who knows for sure — Booker himself — refused to specify twice yesterday, first in a Washington Post profile and, in a follow-up interview, to the New Jersey Star-Ledger. It’s a weird contrast: Booker presents himself as the most open, accessible mayor in America, and an ally of gay rights, yet repeatedly dances around the question of his own sexuality, preferring to play a rope-a-dope game with anyone who would like to know.

Taylor Berman · 08/13/13 08:14PM

Newark Mayor Cory Booker won the Democratic nomination for New Jersey's vacant United States Senate seat Tuesday evening, easily defeating his three opponents. He'll face Republican nominee Steven Lonegan in a special election on October 16.

Tom Scocca · 08/13/13 10:21AM

Alex Pareene urges Democratic voters in New Jersey to cast their ballots against "an avatar of the wealthy elite, a camera-hog, and a political cipher" in today's special Senate primary: "Cory Booker became a millionaire because this is how the economy works for people of his class: Rich people give other rich people money to do nothing, simply because they 'deserve' it. He is the worst sort of Democrat, and Democrats should be doing everything in their power to wrest control of the party away from people like him."