It's been nearly a week since a mysterious transient named Kai used a hatchet to save a woman from the clutches of a racist man claiming to be Jesus, but still very little is known about the Internet's newest hero.

Since his interview with Fox affiliate KMPH went viral, there has been next to no news about Kai's current whereabouts.

A year-old video of the homefree celebrity jamming strumming his ukulele on a beach in British Columbia surfaced on YouTube yesterday, but that hardly provided any insight into the man behind the myth.

"He's kind of like a superhero," reporter Jessob Reisbeck, who introduced Kai to the world, told Mashable. "He's impossible to get ahold of because he has no phone and he's this mysterious guy, but he has this hero status."

But Kai was still out there. He even said as much in a Facebook post: "I'm sleeping in a hay field across I99 from the chevron/days inn in Lathrope CA. Do any, uh, new friends feel like sharing couchspace?"

Finally, yesterday, Reisbeck managed to track Kai down not far from the site of the incident that made him a digital star.

"Shock and awe," Kai responded when Reisbeck asked him for his thoughts on his overnight fame.

But besides feeling a bit more loved by the Universe than before, Kai remains unchanged. "He's just doing the exact same thing he's always done," Reisbeck said. "Living a homefree life, as he calls it. He's living the same homefree life that he's always lived, man."

[screengrab via KMPH]