Woman Breaks Up with Fiancé After Finding Him with Another Girl on Russian Google Maps

The Russian Google Maps alike Yandex Maps went above and beyond recently when it helped a woman from Perm find out her fiancé was cheating on her.
Marina Voinova told LifeNews.ru that she was looking up an address using the website's "street view" feature when she happened across a man who looked like Alexander, her boyfriend of five years, with his arms around a woman who did not look like her.
"When Sasha came home, I immediately called him to computer and asked him to find that address in the map," she told the news portal. "When the image loaded, Sasha's face changed in color. I looked in his eyes, waiting for explanations."
Alexander immediately confessed to everything, Marina recalled. He told her he had made a mistake and did not love the other woman, but Marina had already made up her mind to end their relationship.
"At first I regretted searching for that address on Internet, but eventually realized that it was silly to blame the Web for my boyfriend's unfaithfulness," Marina said.
Unlike Google, Yandex does not automatically blur the faces of people who are clearly identifiable in Street View shots.
Yandex PR manager Yekaterina Karnaukhova told LifeNews that if a person has a problem with their face appearing on the site, he or she can request to have the image removed if they have a legitimate reason for doing so.
Like, say, concealing an infidelity.