Google Is Now Mapping Google Mapping Google
Camille Dodero · 06/21/13 02:00PMWhere on Google Street View Can I Find This Wonderful Half Cat?
Max Read · 05/07/13 03:22PMCouple Spots Approaching Google Street View Car; Stops By the Side of the Road to Have Sex
Neetzan Zimmerman · 04/10/13 10:57AMGoogle Streetview Captures Public Handjob in Manchester, England
Adrian Chen · 03/14/13 12:48PM
This has got to be the most explicit and NSFW of all oddities discovered on Google Streetview. A prostitute giving a hand job to a "bloke" (that's British for, "prostitute customer" ) in a back alley in Manchester, which seems like a lovely town, by the way. Google took down the images soon after they were spotted by the Google Sightseeing blog, but the incident was memorialized by a troll who renamed the alley "Hand Job Alley" on Google Maps (also removed.) The wonders of crowd-sourcing.