You may have heard by now that Dennis Rodman, professional basketball's version of a beleaguered shock jock, is on a diplomatic mission to nightmarish dictatorship North Korea, accompanied by a team from Vice and the Harlem Globetrotters. It's a motley crew to be sure, but based on the fact that Rodman and Vice are now calling themselves "friends" to the famine- and gulag-ridden Asian nation, things seem to be going quite well. One Vice staffer, Jason Mojica, even tweeted about being allowed into North Korean supreme leader King Jong-un's own home to be feted with food and booze:

Vice correspondent Ryan Duffy described the dinner party thusly to the AP:

"Dinner was an epic feast. Felt like about 10 courses in total. I'd say the winners were the smoked turkey and sushi, though we had the Pyongyang cold noodles earlier in the trip and that's been the runaway favorite so far."

It sounds like a lot of fun! And because North Korea tends to be so secretive about what's happening within its armed borders, we thought we'd offer up some of our favorite recent photos from the nation in an effort to let you in on the action. Party on, Rodman and friends!

"Dinner was an epic feast."

"Felt like 10 courses in total."

"I'd say the winners were the smoked turkey and sushi, though we had the Pyongyang cold noodles earlier in the trip and that's been the runaway favorite so far."

"You have a friend for life!" -Dennis Rodman to Kim Jong-un

"We knew that [Kim Jong-Un's] a big lover of basketball, especially the Bulls, and it was our intention going in that we would have a good will mission of something that's fun." -Vice founder Shane Smith to the AP

"A lot of times, things just are serious and everybody's so concerned with geopolitics that we forget just to be human beings." -Shane Smith

"North Korea has a friend in Dennis Rodman and Vice"

[Images via AP]