Major Snowstorm to Blanket Chicago, D.C., May Hit New York

Chicago and Minneapolis are bracing themselves for over 10 inches of snow as a major winter storm—the season's last, let's hope—gears up to blanket the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic, and possibly even hit New York and Boston. The storm, currently hovering around the Great Lakes, has already started snowing over Minnesota, and will dump nearly a foot on Midwestern cities over the course of Tuesday and Tuesday night, before heading southeast toward West Virginia, Virginia and D.C., where six to 15 inches of wet, heavy snow could knock out power. From there, meteorologists believe it could swing back up northwards instead of on out to sea, leaving New York City with six inches and Boston with as many as 12. Snowplows were deployed in Chicago early this morning. Cancellations at O'Hare are likely. In D.C. they're calling it "Snowquester"; on the Weather Channel they're calling it "Saturn." We will be calling it neither of those things. [Chicago Tribune | AccuWeather | | Boston Globe]