Mystery Girl Filmed Running Half-Naked Through the Streets of Siberia Reportedly Lost a Bet
The identity of a mystery girl recently spotted sprinting down the freezing cold Siberian streets of Tomsk was revealed this week after police tracked her down and fined her for impeding traffic.

RedHotRussia reports that Alina Borodina had lost a bet, requiring her to ditch all her clothes save for a bikini, shoes, and a hat, and run down a busy street in 23-degree (Fahrenheit) weather.
Police managed to suss out Borodina's identity using social media after coming across the incriminating video this past Monday.
"The girl has been punished already: for the traffic violation she paid a fine of 200 rubles [$6.50]," police rep Dmitry Amelin is quoted as saying. "Of course, that's a small amount. But this actually may negatively affect her future career: for example, the girl won't be able to get a job in law enforcement body or the court."
Something tells me she isn't too broken up about that.