A Fox affiliate in Connecticut was forced to apologize several times yesterday after it aired b-roll of female breasts to illustrate a morning news report on a "Women's Day" event being held in the state Capitol.

Fox CT sent out a tweet yesterday morning after controversy first began to stir, saying the file footage was used in error.

However, Huffington Post notes that the story aired as-is not once but twice within the space of an hour, appearing to suggest that there was no miscalculation involved.

Later in the day, Fox CT again released a statement of apology, this time promising to "implement procedures to keep this from happening in the future."

The Permanent Commission on the Status of Women, which organizes the annual Women's Day to honor the accomplishments of local women, released its own statement calling Fox's story an insult "to women everywhere who are tired of being objectified."

The statement from commission executive director Teresa Younger goes on to invite Fox execs "to ask about our sexual harassment awareness and prevention trainings."

[video via The Political Carnival]