Photo of Man Caught Watching Porn at Work Goes Viral on Twitter

When James P. of Brisbane, Australia, noticed a man engaging in some not-safe-for-work activities in the office across the way from his, he did what anyone with a cellphone and a Twitter account would do: He posted a photo of the impropriety on the Internet for all to see.
"The guy watching porn at work across the road is back," James tweeted, "doesn't realise our whole office can see him!"
Within hours the salaryman's shame was retweeted over 2,500 times, becoming the talk of Oz.
"Bet the blinds are shut tomorrow lol," remarked one Twitter user. "I doubt it, he's been doing it for ages!" James replied. "Yeah but presumably not in front of Twittworld," the user retorted. "Wonder if his boss is on Twitter?"
While a distinct possibility, it's likely the anonymous onanist won't be partaking in any more afternoon self-delights for the foreseeable future.
"Yeah, he saw us all watching him towards the end of the day," James updated his followers yesterday. "We [gave] him a round of applause, he closed his screen down."