It was the Anne Frank House guestbook entry read 'round the world.

"Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber."

Criticism for Justin Bieber's now-infamous inscription came swift and hard.

"That little idiot is way too full of himself," wrote a top commenter on the Anne Frank House Facebook page. "I suppose his next stop is Berlin where he will re-enact JFK's famous 'Ich bin ein Belieber' speech," wrote another.

But amidst the vitriol, one conciliatory voice rose up in defense of the young pop star — the voice of Anne Frank House spokeswoman Maatje Mostart.

"We think that what's special is that a 19-year-old comes to the Anne Frank House and spends an hour visiting on a Friday night," Mostart told AFP today.

"He could be doing other things in Amsterdam, he was very interested," she continued. "That's more important than the commotion that we're now seeing. That's the positive side and we want to leave it at that."

Bieber seemed content to leave it at that as well.

The 19-year-old has yet issue a public response to critics of his questionable comment, but has already appeared to move on — to responding to critics of his incessant shirtlessness.

"Breaking news @justinbieber posts two shirtless pics in a day could he be anymore full of himself' -silly people," Bieber wrote in a now-deleted Instagram post that was saved by the Internet for posterity.

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