Jon Stewart's Masterful Takedown of CNN's Sloppy Boston Bombing Coverage Almost Makes All the 'Fucking Wrong' Reporting Worth It

CNN's reporting of an arrest having been made in connection with Monday's Boston Marathon bombing turned out to be stupendously wrong, but at least it allowed Jon Stewart to do what he does best: Tear into a so-called news network for royally screwing up its one job.
After pointing out that CNN's "exclusive reporting" is only exclusive "because it was completely fucking wrong," Stewart asks the network's reporters if "any of your sources end their tip-offs to you with the phrase ‘Ba ba booey?'"
He goes on to mock CNN for taking an entire hour to walk all the way back from its incorrect arrest report before concluding with this:
We're accustomed to 24 hour news networks thriving on conflict. Generally, though, that conflict is between two outside parties-political opponents, pundits-but CNN's reporters have discovered that they can remove the middle man and spend hours of programming fighting amongst themselves. They have figured out a way to shit in their own mouths.
CNN has become the Human Centipede of News.
For what it's worth, at least one CNN source who spoke with Business Insider seems to agree with Stewart. "As I think everyone knows, we really fucked up," the source is quoted as saying. "No way around it."