7 Offensive Images The New York Times Wasn’t Afraid to Publish
Dean Baquet, the executive editor of The New York Times, is defending his decision not to reprint any Charlie Hebdo cartoons depicting Mohammad with an argument that might confuse Times readers. Today he told Politico: “We don’t run things that are designed to gratuitously offend.”
This dictum is confusing because it’s false: On many occasions the paper of record has printed images that are “designed to gratuitously offend.” Here are 7 examples; there are surely more.
1. The Times printed this anti-Semitic cartoon in 2010:

2. This racist Dr. Seuss drawing in 2011:

3. This anti-Semitic caricature in 2005:

4. This photograph of a racist “Golliwog” doll in 2009:

5. This racist children’s book in 2009:

6. This racist children’s cartoon in 2009:

7. This photo of one Westboro Baptist Church member holding a sign which reads “THE JEWS KILLED JESUS” and two others wearing shirts that say “GODHATESFAGS.COM” in 2009:

There are, of course, many articles where the Times declined to reproduce an offensive image alongside an article addressing that image. For instance it did not print a cartoon, which originally appeared in Rupert Murdoch’s Sunday Times, depicting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu using the blood of Palestinians as mortar for a brick wall. (That particular article, concerning Murdoch’s apology for the cartoon’s publication, did however link to a tweet containing the cartoon.)
Remember any other offensive images the Times has published? Throw them in below.
Correction: This post originally stated that the Times appears to be unwilling to print any photos of Westboro Baptist Church members in which the slogan “GOD HATES FAGS” is visible. As you can see in the seventh entry above, two of the members pictured are wearing shirts bearing that phrase. Thanks to GMAFB for pointing this out.