
Ted Cruz Was For Controversial Cartoons Before He Was Against Them

Jordan Sargent · 12/23/15 05:25PM

Are you up to date on the election’s newest micro-controversy? Yesterday, the Washington Post published a cartoon depicting Ted Cruz’s daughters as trained circus monkeys, a reference to a recent political ad released by his campaign that uses Cruz’s admittedly adorable tots as, arguably, props. Later that night, after widespread condemnation [citation needed], the Post decided to pull the cartoon, drawn by Pulitzer winner Ann Telnaes.

No One Wants the Bodies of the Dead French Terrorists

Gabrielle Bluestone · 01/15/15 10:00PM

As France reels in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo attacks last week, coroners grapple with a separate issue—what to do with the bodies of the dead French alleged terrorists.

Yemeni Al Qaeda Branch Claims Responsibility For Charlie Hebdo Massacre

Aleksander Chan · 01/14/15 08:40AM

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has come forward claiming responsibility for the attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices that left 12 dead. In a video originally uploaded to YouTube, Yemeni al Qaeda leader Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi heralds brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi as "two heroes of Islam."

New Video Shows Charlie Hebdo Killers in Gun Battle With Police

Taylor Berman · 01/13/15 02:48PM

New video has emerged of the Kouachi brothers' shootout with police following their deadly attack at the Charlie Hebdo offices. The video shows Cherif and Said Kouachi shouting, "We are avenging the prophet Muhammad!" and calmly reloading their assault rifles before driving off. Seconds later, a police car approaches and the brothers open fire, forcing the police car to reverse. One brother continues to drive as the other leans out to window to fire, and the two eventually escape.

This Is What's in the New Charlie Hebdo Issue

Taylor Berman · 01/13/15 12:36PM

BBC Foreign Correspondent Fergal Keane was given an advanced copy of this week's Charlie Hebdo. Judging from Keane's description of the issue, the magazine contains about what you'd expect: crude caricatures of Muhammad, a woman lifting her burka to show her naked body, sexual images of the pope, cartoons about ISIS, and more. Keane's tweets about the issue are embedded below:

Hudson Hongo · 01/11/15 11:07AM

The AP reports arsonists attacked the offices of a German newspaper that reprinted Charlie Hebdo's Muhammad cartoons on Sunday, throwing a Molotov cocktail through a basement window. No one was injured and the fire was quickly extinguished. Police have detained two men suspected of the crime.