91-year-old Janina Kolkiewicz was declared dead on November 6th and her body was sent to a funeral home. Eleven hours later, she woke up.

According to CNN, Kolkiewicz was declared dead by her family's doctor who found her not breathing and unresponsive. The doctor spoke to CNN's Polish affiliate TVN about how he for sure thought she was dead, he swears!:

"I checked the pulse on the forearm artery, carotid artery also. I listened to the heart, to the breathing. I also examined the pupils. There were no reflexes. Typical symptoms of death."

Sounds like death to me! The doctor signed her death certificate and her body was taken to a funeral home in Ostrow Lubelski, a town in eastern Poland, the BBC reports. The mortuary staff called eleven hours later to tell the family that, uh, Janina Kolkiewicz was not dead. Can you come and get her?

The staff picked up on the fact that she was alive after they reportedly noticed "movement in her body bag while it was in storage."

According to the BBC, Kolkiewicz warmed up back at home with bowl of soup and two pancakes. She says she feels "fine" and "normal."

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