A Boston man named Anthony Weiner out-Weinered the OG Anthony Weiner this week. The Boston Weiner was just arrested for sexting a 21-year-old man from his wife's phone, luring him to an empty house, hitting him in the head with a bat, tying him to a chair, and threatening to torture him.

The Boston Weiner — who also allegedly punched his mother-in-law at his wedding — is accused of sending a series of texts from his wife's phone, luring the 21-year-old victim to an empty house, knocking him out with a blow to the head and binding him to a chair.

Weiner then threatened the man, who has not been identified, with a BB gun and a power tool.

When the 21-year-old began vomiting in fear, Weiner released him, paid him some "hush money," and put him in a cab.

Weiner, who is claiming self-defense, is charged with kidnapping, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, and assault with intent to murder.

[via, image via AP]