Judge Rules Against Donald Sterling, Allows Sale of LA Clippers

After an ugly court battle between Donald and Shelly Sterling over the sale of the Los Angeles Clippers, Judge Michael Levanas of the Los Angeles Superior Court ruled today to allow Shelly Sterling to sell the team to former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer for $2 billion.
Judge Levanas ruled in favor of Shelly Sterling removing her husband from their family's trust, citing his Alzheimer's disease diagnoses. From the Los Angeles Times:
Shelly Sterling wants the judge to uphold the removal of her husband as trustee of the Sterling Family Trust, which owns the Clippers, on grounds of mental incapacitation. That would clear the way to implement her May agreement to sell the franchise to Steve Ballmer for $2 billion.
"The doctors certified Donald as incapacitated. That's the end of the matter," Pierce O'Donnell, the lawyer representing Shelly Sterling, said today in his closing argument.
[Image via AP]