Africa Starving, Bangkok Underwater: The Next 30 Years of Warming

Carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere are at a three million year high. Scientists tell us that global warming is leading to "the worst of all possible worlds." And don't imagine this is all your grandchildren's problem. Doom is coming soon. So soon.
A new report out from the World Bank today brings the global warming discussion into a more immediate realm— none of this "things will be terrible in 100 years when we're all dead" business. Rather, it's about how things will be terrible for millions of people in just 20-30 years or so, when our planet is projected to have warmed by 2 degrees Celsius.
Africa and Asia will bear the brunt of this early stage of apocalypse. The WaPo notes that "major portions of Bangkok would be flooded by 2030" if current trends continue. Manila and Kolkata are "highly exposed" to the risk of extreme weather events. And in portions of Africa, the outlook is even more grim:
In Sub-Saharan Africa, by the 2030s droughts and heat will leave 40 percent of the land now growing maize unable to support that crop, while rising temperatures could cause major loss of savanna grasslands threatening pastoral livelihoods. By the 2050s, depending on the sub-region, the proportion of the population undernourished is projected to increase by 25-90 percent compared to the present.
This is the result of only half of the warming that is projected to take place over the next century.