Police in Montgomery County, Maryland have arrested a 38-year-old real estate appraiser and amateur beer pong player for allegedly raping at least four young men–several of whom he met at beer pong tournaments–over the past ten years.

Montgomery police said the suspect, Joey Poindexter, met his victims in bars –often during organized beer pong tournaments –- and took them to his home, where he sexually assaulted them. The victims' ages range from late teens to early 20s, according to police.

"It's a horrific sexual assault case," Montgomery Assistant Police Chief Russ Hamill told the Washington Post. "This is a sexual predator."

Poindexter was arrested after one of his alleged victims filed a police report on October 3. According to the report, the man met Poindexter at Looney's Pub in College Park, Maryland.

"[Poindexter] played beer pong," Ryan Keyser, an assistant manager at Looney's, told the Washington Post. "That was the only night he was here. He was strictly here for beer pong. He was obviously into the competition of it."

After several games of beer pong, the man said Poindexter bought him a Long Island Iced Tea. The next thing the man remembers is waking in a Montgomery County home, wearing someone else's gym shorts, with his clothes piled next to him on the floor. Suspecting he'd been sexually assaulted, he went to the police, who set up a sting operation to catch Poindexter.

After monitoring one of his phone calls with the alleged victim and a face-to-face meeting, police arrested Poindexter, who eventually admitted having sex with the man. Police later identified four other victims and believe there are at least six more, based on photos found on Poindexter's phone.

"The number is going to grow a lot larger at the end of the day when we get the full images downloaded," Hamill told WJLA, adding that Montgomery County police have contacted their counterparts in Baltimore, Atlantic City, Las Vegas, Dallas, Virginia Beach and Salt Lake City about other sexual assaults Poindexter may have committed while traveling to extreme sports events and beer pong tournaments.