After a segment starring 5-year-old cancer-battling superhero Miles "Batkid" Scott was cut from the Academy Awards, some cast his scheduled co-host, Spider-Man star Andrew Garfield, as the bad guy. Good news, though: Spidey didn't really let Miles down.

When we last left our heroes, Batkid had been flown to L.A. and even walked through a dress rehearsal before his superhero segment was cancelled without warning. Garfield, too, had been cut from the show, and tabloids reported he had "stormed out" because he didn't like his lines.

Garfield is no super-jerk, though. According to his publicists, it was those nefarious ne'er-do-wells at the Academy who pulled the plug, much to the actor's dismay.

Proving himself both friendly and neighborhood, Spider-Man did what he could to make it up to the disappointed kid:

In full collaboration with the Academy and the show writer, Andrew prepared a segment for the Oscars to honor Miles Scott as the true hero that he is. As some point overnight on Saturday / Sunday morning, it was decided by those running the show that the segment didn't work in the ceremony. They decided to pull it – Andrew and Miles were equally upset. The producers arranged for Miles and his family to visit Disneyland on Monday and Andrew drove down to visit them and to bring Miles a personal gift.

Andrew did the right thing for Batkid and anyone saying otherwise is flat out lying.

It's still not clear exactly why the presentation was canceled. Miles's mom, Natalie Scott, said she was never given an explanation.

"I don't know if they ran out of time, or if there was something about the segment they didn't like," she told the International Business Times. "It got pulled so quickly that we didn't have a lot of insight into what was going on."

"Basically, because of the fluid nature of live TV production, ultimately the segment didn't work," an Academy rep told US Weekly, in language that would definitely reassure a devastated young superhero with cancer.

[H/T: Geekosystem, Photo Credit: AP Images]