Azealia Banks has a new ally in her ongoing-and-occasionally-hilarious Twitter feud with rapper Iggy Azalea—the collective hacking organization Anonymous, which has threatened to release stills from an alleged Azalea sex tape unless she issues a public apology to Banks.

Banks, a rapper who seems to be making most of her hits these days riffing on nicknames for Azalea [see: Igloo Australia, Itchy Areola], sparked the Twitter war when she accused the white rapper of not caring about black people in the wake of the Eric Garner grand jury decision.

In a series of now-deleted tweets, @TheAnonMessage—an account associated with Anonymous—threatened to release a series of stills from an alleged sex tape of Azalea if she failed to apologize to Banks within 48 hours. Calling her a "trashy bitch," the account reportedly explained it would only release stills and not the full tape because "we have values to live by."

According to the Daily Dot, the Twitter account claims the tape "involves a man in a business suit, a kardashian-like attempt at fame, and a record label."

Vulture captured some of the deleted tweets:

Azalea has not responded publicly.

[image via AP]