It's been three years (only!) since Anthony Weiner's political career went limp because he sent photos of his dick to random women via social media, and yet he has still not learned how to use Twitter.

Here is the one favorite of Anthony Weiner's verified Twitter account @AnthonyWeiner, which is accessible from the front page of Anthony Weiener's verified Twitter account by clicking the "favorites" tab.

A very nice picture of @JoslynStevens, no doubt. But still a curious single favorite for Anthony Weiner, an (aspiring?) politician who has dealt with multiple infidelity scandals.

Say, what's @JoslynStevens' Twitter bio?

I'd say you couldn't make this up but you definitely could.

UPDATE (1:05 p.m.): Anthony Weiner—or someone who works for him—has already un-favorited @JoslynStevens' tweet. Here is a screenshot of what his page looked like:

[images via Twitter]