Mardi Gras in New Orleans is so packed that tourists are willing to pay cash for a comfortable place to poop, and now there's an app that toilet owners can use to take their money.

Airpnp (Get it? Pee? Ha ha.) sounds like a dumb spoof of Airbnb, the sometimes controversial app that lets you turn your apartment into a hotel. And it is, but it's also a dumb real thing.

According to toilet journalists at BuzzFeed, Airpnp was founded by two New Orleans residents who "found it too difficult to locate a loo during Mardi Gras." It hasn't caught on outside of New Orleans (and Antwerp, Belgium, for some reason), but anyone can theoretically list a toilet for rent and start collecting fees.

There are currently only two Airpnp locations in New York City: A fifth-floor walkup in Union Square ($5, no shoes allowed), and a "majestic 100-year-old Crown Heights mansion" ($10).

Laugh now, but gullible venture capitalists will probably be dumping money into this thing as soon as they need somewhere to pee at South by Southwest.

[H/T: The Next Web, Photo Credit: Fabio Berti/Shutterstock]