Ariana Grande Calls the Cops on Fan Who Sent Her a 42-Pound Pumpkin

Lil' Miss Ponytail Ariana Grande has an, ahem, enthusiastic fan from Massachusetts: a 29-year-old man named Tim Normandin. Tim sent Ariana a 42.5-pound pumpkin for Halloween. Ariana sent Tim the cops.
According to TMZ, "police in Lowell, MA paid a visit to the home of 29-year-old Tim Normandin after Ariana's record label complained the guy was sending Ariana a slew of packages." The list of gifts shows that Tim has no problem clearing out the frickin' mall—in addition to the pumpkin, he's sent:
- Eight (8) Yankee candles
- a 3-piece mirror set from Kmart
- a $200 anklet from Kay Jewelers
- a rock from the White Mountains of New Hampshire
- an unspecified number of dog and cat calendars
Cops told Tim that he'll face criminal harassment charges if he doesn't stop sending Ari all this crap. Tim says he's not gonna stop sending her all this crap.
With perhaps unfortunate timing, Ariana debuted her "Love Me Harder" video today.
[Photo via Getty]