Perhaps feeling frisky after performing at the very grown-up event that is the Annual Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, Ariana Grande revealed a sexual preference to the only virgin in attendance, Ed Sheeran. According to Sheeran, Lil' Ari looked him in the eye during the show's finale and confessed, "I love big black balls."

Sheeran revealed Ari's revelation to a radio host, because people have been making fun of him for looking like gleeful hobbit in photos from the show.

Sheeran's explanation for his uncontrolled smiling is as follows:

Can I tell you why I was laughing? Basically there were all these big inflatable bouncy black balls that are bouncing around in the crowd on the finale bit. Ariana Grande comes up and stands up next to me and just looks at me and goes, "I love big black balls." In my head I was like, "If she knows what that means then I love her, and if she doesn't know what that means, it's even better!"

She knows what that means.