Police in North Charleston, S.C., have arrested the man they believe wrapped electrical tape around the muzzle of Caitlyn the dog, a chocolate Staffordshire, and left her for several days with her tongue stuck between her teeth, unable to eat or drink.

Caitlyn’s case made the news last Wednesday, when the 15-month-old dog was found and freed from her trap. On Monday night, cops picked up William Leonard Dobson, 41, and charged him with animal torture, the Post and Courier reports.

Under South Carolina law, a conviction would earn him a $5,000 fine and up to 5 years in prison. He’d also have Caitlyn taken away from him and be ordered to pay for her treatment.

CNN reports Caitlyn’s recovery is going well. According to the Charleston Animal Society, her snout is still swollen from the tape and she’ll likely need surgery to remove part of her damaged tongue, but she’s going to be fine.

Here’s CNN on Caitlyn’s treatment since last week:

The dog was transferred to Veterinary Specialty Care in Mount Pleasant on Friday. She started receiving hyperbaric treatments every 12 hours to improve the damaged tissue in her mouth and cold laser therapy to promote healing, Senior Director of Veterinary Care Lucy Fuller said. She underwent a small surgical procedure on her lip Saturday, but there is not currently a procedure planned for her tongue.

She’s now off her IV drip and drinking food and water normally.

“We have the greatest of hopes for this beautiful girl,” Fuller said.

[Photo: Charleston Animal Society]