Photo: Getty

Update, 12:44 pm: The German government has reportedly stated that the weapon used by the previously reported gunman may not have been real.

Update, 12:35 pm: According to CNN, tear gas, not gunfire, was the cause of some of the injuries. From CNN:

The U.S. Embassy in Germany said officials are looking into the possibility that tear gas might have caused some of the injuries among the people who were hurt, spokeswoman Jackie McKennan said.

Around 3 p.m. local time today, a gunman reportedly entered a movie theater Viernheim, Germany. Conflicting reports place the number of wounded people between 20 and 50. According to the Telegraph, the German Minister of the Interior has stated that the gunman was shot and killed by law enforcement at the scene. Motive for the attack remains unknown.Germany has some of the strictest gun-control laws in the world, according to, and shootings there are mercifully rare; in 2012, 1.01 people were killed by guns for every 100,000 people. In the United States, guns killed 3.7 per 100,000 people in the same year.

As we learn more, we will update this post.