
Donald Trump Is a Shameless, Opportunistic Bigot

Ashley Feinberg · 06/12/16 09:06PM

Donald Trump, one of the two people most likely to become our next president, spent the day disseminating unverified information and using innocent victims’ deaths as a chance to pat himself on the back. And he’s just getting started.

Gun Rights Groups to Hold Fake Mass Shooting at UT This Weekend

Ashley Feinberg · 12/09/15 02:40PM

Multiple gun rights groups will be joining together this weekend for a mock mass shooting on the University of Texas campus, an event complete with cardboard guns, crisis actors, and fake blood. Now, what could this possibly accomplish?, a reasonable person might be wondering. But as one of the protestors told “We love freedom, and we’re trying to make more freedom.”

A Theological Debate

Hamilton Nolan · 12/03/15 11:48AM

Here are today’s front pages of New York City’s two tabloid newspapers. Which one is “better?”

Former GOP Congressman Who Triggered 20-Year Ban on Gun Control Research Has Some Regrets

Chris Thompson · 12/02/15 08:22PM

The too-little-too-late redemption tour of one Jay Dickey continued today—of all days—on Capitol Hill, with a letter released by the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force. This will be a handy reminder that regret—truly a weighty motherfucker for the sufferer—has a realtime value of roughly jack-shit in the world outside your tormented soul.

At Least 14 Dead in San Bernardino Mass Shooting [UPDATING]

Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/02/15 06:26PM

The San Bernardino county sheriff has confirmed the presence of an active shooter near the 1300 block of S. Waterman in San Bernardino, CA. At least 12 people are dead, with another 20 reportedly injured.