Autopsy Report: Michael Brown Was Shot at Least Six Times

A private autopsy conducted on Michael Brown shows the 18-year-old was shot at least six times in the head, torso and arm, the New York Times reports.
All six shots were fired into the front of Brown.
According to the autopsy, Brown was shot at least three times in the face. At least two of those shots "would have stopped him in his tracks and were likely the last fired."
According to the New York Times, Dr. Michael M. Baden, the former chief medical examiner in New York, found a gunshot wound at the top of Brown's skull "suggesting his head was bent forward when it struck him and caused a fatal injury."
"This one here looks like his head was bent downward," he explained to the Times. "It can be because he's giving up, or because he's charging forward at the officer."
Baden—who conducted the autopsy at the family's request and was not allowed to examine Brown's clothing—said no gunpowder was found on Brown's body, suggesting he was not shot at close range.
Baden told reporters Brown—who was not given medical attention—likely would not have survived the shooting.