The latest arrival at San Diego Zoo Safari Park is a healthy newborn gorilla delivered through caesarian section. The procedure is rare for animal births, but in this case, it was an emergency.

Zoo officials say 18-year-old gorilla Imani went into labor Wednesday morning, but by that evening, she still wasn't showing any signs of progress. Vet staff took Imani to the Safari Park's hospital, where they successfully delivered a 4.6-lb. baby girl.

The baby, who hasn't been named yet, is doing well. She initially needed to be put on supplemental oxygen, fluids, and adorable hat, but now she's doing healthy baby gorilla things (like grasping, kicking, and suckling).

"She looks around. She can hold her own head up, which is pretty amazing," said Nadine Lamberski, associate director of veterinary services at the zoo, to CBS San Diego.

[H/T: Digg]