Congressman Michael Grimm is perhaps best known for threatening to throw a NY1 reporter off a balcony. He is also the bae at Staten Island sweet sixteen parties, according to teen girls' tweets, which don't lie.

Colin Campbell at Business Insider reports that Grimm was invited to a girl's sweet sixteen party this weekend by her (cool) parents. In a series of now-deleted tweets, her friends discussed Grimm's (bae's) appearance at the party. They are the best tweets I have ever read:

fucking michael grimm is going to [redacted] s16. I'm gonna dance with him all night and make him fall in love with me

"Michael Grimm is coming" "Oh shit now I have to wear nice underwear"

Action shot of [redacted] meeting Michael Grimm aka action shot of the best moment of her ~life~

He told me he's taking me to prom I was like you fricking better

You fricking better. It's worth pointing out that Grimm (bae) is one of the sexiest bachelors in Congress, a devotee of "Arnold Schwarzenegger-style weight lifting," and single.

These teen girls (whoever they are — BI redacted identifying info from the tweets) are the luckiest girls on Staten Island. I want Michael Grimm at MY sweet sixteen party.

[Images via AP, Business Insider]