The Florida couple who last year had sex on a beach, went to sleep, and then had sex again, all while a grandmother filmed them, have been convicted of lewd and lascivious behavior, and each face up to 15 years in prison, the Miami Herald reports.

The defense for 40-year-old Jose “Benny” Caballero and his 20-year-old lover Elissa Alvarez claimed that Alvarez was “dancing on” her man and trying to wake him up, but they never actually fucked.

“You folks cannot speculate,” the couples’ lawyer told the jury, according to the Herald, “And in order to say they had intercourse, you would have to speculate.”

The jury didn’t buy it, though, after seeing video of the incident and hearing testimony from a witness who said a three-year-old had seen the couple’s public display.

They returned a guilty verdict in just 15 minutes.

Caballero will likely get the maximum prison sentence, as the beachfucking incident took place less than three years after he’d served an eight-year sentence for coke trafficking. Prosecutors are just asking for jail time for Alvarez, who has no prior record.

Both will have to register as sex offenders.

[Photo: Fox13]