
Fuck It

Hudson Hongo · 08/21/16 10:55PM

Goodnight, friends.

In the City, Every Window Is a Pigeon Love Hotel

Michelle Ruiz · 08/07/15 01:18PM

It starts around 6:30 a.m—“incessant, almost guttural cooing,” according to Michael Kelly, a 33-year-old opera singer who lives on a usually quiet stretch of 100th Street on the Upper West Side. He’s battling jet lag after a trip to Europe, but every morning for the last couple of weeks, Kelly is wrenched from sleep not by a blaring car alarm or construction noise on the street below, but jackhammering of a different kind: pigeons fucking.

Nothing But Love For the Couple Found Fucking on the Cannes Red Carpet

Dayna Evans · 06/24/15 11:10AM

France: home of good cheese, strong wine, some other shit, and an advertising festival named Cannes Lions. Early Tuesday, two randy festival-attendees were overcome by their love of creativity, advertising, and their love for each other—some might call it joie de vivre—that they took to fucking on the red carpet in clear view of a late night rooftop bash above them.

It's the Horny Time

Dayna Evans · 06/16/15 11:00AM

Do me a favor and think about how you feel right now. Sun’s out, guns’ out, you got your favorite loose cottons on. When you look around you, does something—perhaps someone—catch your eye? Are you feeling yourself on a more acute level than you’re usually feeling yourself? Is there a constant tingle in your nether regions? Was your friend who wasn’t hot all of a sudden very hot and appealing to you?

Horny Duo Caught Having Daytime Sidewalk Sex in Front of Prom Dress Shop

Jay Hathaway · 02/17/15 01:47PM

They didn't know each other's names, but on a sunny sidewalk in front of a prom-dress shop in Chula Vista, Calif., they knew each other's bodies. A man in a yellow hoodie and a woman in nothing but sensible shoes and a skirt were cited for public indecency on Friday after a witness recorded their afternoon fuck sesh and called the police.

And Baby Makes Three, Two of Whom Are Fucking in the Subway

Jay Hathaway · 02/16/15 01:40PM

A troubling bit of phone footage showing a man interrupting a couple while they fucked against a subway escalator has gone viral after someone uploaded it to LiveLeak. It would be one thing to disturb two adults in the midst of mad, passionate rutting, but the shocking reveal comes when the woman stands up, pants around her ankles, and we see ... a baby.

Report: Gyno Ditches Woman Giving Birth to Fuck Another Patient

Aleksander Chan · 11/24/14 03:00PM

The New Mexico Medical Board has suspended Dr. Christopher S. Driskill, calling the doctor "a clear and immediate danger to the public health and safety." The doctor is accused of frequently being drunk at work and having inappropriate relationships with patients, apparently once leaving a woman giving birth "unattended" while he had sex with another patient.

Horny Porpoise Just Kept Fucking Until He Died

Aleksander Chan · 11/13/14 08:51AM

The bloodied, dead body of a porpoise was found in a Tarring, West Sussex alleyway a mile away from sea earlier this month. Scientists that examined the porpoise's body believe the poor guy died expending all his energy mating. Fucked himself dead.

Virginia Newspaper Apologizes for the Word "Fucking" in Kids' Section

Camille Dodero · 08/19/13 06:00PM

Today's Staunton News Leader, a Gannett newspaper based in Virginia, came with a little surprise for the children. In a "Kid's Corner" sidebar buried in the weather section, the caption accompanying a Crayoned drawing included the word "fucking." As in: If you’re a fucking idiot, it can be fun to refer to your draft site as “the war room.” Wait, what?

Will Cows Really Stop Britain's Public Roadside Sex Problem?

Jeff Neumann · 09/30/10 05:41AM

Rampant "dogging" at the Hog's Back "lay-by" (or, public fucking at a rest stop) near Puttenham, England has officially grossed out the locals. So the county council has proposed filling the field with cattle to keep people from boning there.

Your Fat Dog Can't Get Laid

Hamilton Nolan · 05/03/10 11:35AM

Nutripro diet dog food puts things in terms that you pet-coddling, Snausage-tossing, pooch-fattening, smothering-with-love fat dog owners can understand: Your fat dog isn't fucking. And that's wrong. [Via Adfreak. Click to enlarge]