[There was a video here]

This afternoon in Philadelphia, Bernie Sanders spoke to supporters in advance of this week’s Democratic Convention. During his speech he doubled down on his Hillary Clinton endorsement, telling the gathered crowd that not only must Donald Trump be defeated, he must be defeated by voting for Clinton and her new running mate Tim Kaine.

The crowd was not receptive to Bernie’s instructions. Jeering and booing forced him to pause his speech, and the tone of the room seemed to shift permanently after that, with muffled objections being audible as he continued to rail against the Trump campaign.

Trump, of course, has been openly courting disaffected Bernie voters via his Twitter feed, picking at whatever wound has been caused by the anti-Bernie sentiment uncovered in leaked Democratic National Committee emails. The group of potential Bernie defectors will probably be inconsequential, but they may be loud—or, at least, magnetic to the press.