
Here Are the Two Best Moments from the Best Speech of the Night, by Michelle Obama

Hudson Hongo · 07/25/16 10:17PM

On Monday, First Lady Michelle Obama took the stage at the Democratic National Convention to give an emotional endorsement of Hillary Clinton. “Leaders like Hillary Clinton,” said Obama, “who has the guts and the grace to keep coming back and putting those cracks in the highest and hardest glass ceiling, until she finally breaks through, lighting all of us along with her.”

Melania Trump Apparently Plagiarized a Section of Michelle Obama's 2008 Convention Speech

Jordan Sargent · 07/18/16 11:09PM

Tonight at the Republican National Convention, potential first lady Melania Trump delivered the night’s headlining speech in what was her most important moment in the public eye since she married Donald Trump 11 years ago. The speech was praised by hacks on both sides of the aisle (and the middle), though there might unintentionally be a reason for that: As first pointed out by journalist Jarrett Hill, Melania—or more likely her speechwriters—appears to have lifted at least one crucial section of her speech from the one Michelle Obama gave at the 2008 Democratic National Convention.

The GOP Would Like Everyone to Know That It's Fine, Everything Is Fine

Alex Pareene · 07/18/16 03:54PM

CLEVELAND — In 2012, the non-TV press at least had a halfway decent view of the stage. The press stand seats here in Quicken Loan Arenas are effectively behind the podium, which will eventually have the unintended effect of making it clear to the media when any speaker goes off-prompter (not that anyone scheduled to speak this week is known for that, or anything).

White America Paved the Roads to Alton Sterling and Philando Castile's Deaths

Andy Cush · 07/07/16 04:37PM

This week, white America learned the names of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, for the same reason it learned the names of so many black men it would otherwise be content with avoiding, ignoring, or beating down upon: because Sterling and Castile met some police officers, and the police officers treated them without mercy.

Former Fox & Friends Host Gretchen Carlson Files Sex Harassment Complaint Against Fox News CEO Roger Ailes

J.K. Trotter · 07/06/16 12:00PM

Gretchen Carlson, the former co-host of Fox News’ morning variety hour Fox & Friends, has filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against the network’s founder and powerful CEO, Roger Ailes. In it, Carlson’s attorneys allege that Ailes repeatedly made sexual advances on Carlson, and retaliated against her when she rebuffed them, culminating in her firing on June 23 of this year.

How's Britain?

Alex Pareene · 06/30/16 10:10AM

Short answer: Not great. Bit of a mess. Long answer:

Here's a UK Explainer for Anyone—Anyone at All—Who's Confused About What Brexit Means

Andy Cush · 06/24/16 11:15AM

Let’s say you’re an American who woke this morning to the news that the people of the United Kingdom voted in favor of their nation leaving the European Union, and you’re unsure about what that means. Let’s say, hypothetically speaking, that you happened to be abroad, in a country within the UK, when the news came in. All the Britons around you seemed to understand what was going on perfectly, and you felt like the odd man out. You wondered: What does England have to do with Wales? Why no Southern Ireland? Is that a boy wearing a skirt?

This Looks Like the DNC's Hacked Trump Oppo File

Sam Biddle and Gabrielle Bluestone · 06/15/16 03:09PM

A 200+ page document that appears to be a Democratic anti-Trump playbook compiled by the Democratic National Committee has leaked online following this week’s report that the DNC was breached by Russian hackers. In it, Trump is pilloried as a “bad businessman” and “misogynist in chief.”

The AR-15 Was Built for Slaughter in War Zones

Sam Biddle · 06/13/16 02:00PM

In 1962, the Pentagon had a pickle on its hands: America wanted to give South Vietnam guns with which to kill its Communist brothers and sisters in North Vietnam, but we couldn’t figure out which guns. The answer became as clear 50 years ago as it is today: The AR-15 is an incredibly good tool for killing lots of other humans.

Now We Have Seen The Epitome of Anti-Gay Hatred

Rich Juzwiak · 06/13/16 10:50AM

Before Sunday morning, the event that had the grave distinction of being the largest massacre of gay people in American history occurred June 24, 1973, at the Up Stairs Lounge in New Orleans. A fire, which a police and fire investigation eventually deemed arson, killed 32 people during a Sunday beer blast after a church service had been held in the space. The details contain gruesome stuff like bodies being melted together, as well as disgustingly sad anecdotes of love and failed heroism. Bartender Buddy Rasmussen successfully led a group of about 20 men out of a hidden fire exit onto the bar’s roof that provided safe access to the ground. Among the group was a man named George Mitchell. According to Jim Downs’s Stand By Me: The Forgotten History of Gay Liberation:

Where Do I Go to Vote?

Kelly Stout · 04/19/16 08:43AM

It’s primary day in New York, and you no doubt feel ready to cast your vote. But where? Probably your friendly, neighborhood senior center, public school, or rec center, dummy. But find out for sure with this handy tool, you handy tool.

Don't File Your Taxes at Liberty (Or Any Other Storefront Chain)

Andy Cush · 04/15/16 04:16PM

Tax Day is Monday, America. I hope you filed your return already, and can spend the weekend enjoying the sunny weather, unstressed about your civic obligation to fill government coffers. If you haven’t, don’t worry: you still have three days. A word of advice, however: don’t file with Liberty Tax Services, which has seen an alarming number of stores shut down over alleged misconduct lately.

Why Is the Internet Obsessed With Photos of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin?

J.K. Trotter · 04/12/16 01:05PM

For the past several days, including today, the most trafficked piece of content on Politico.com has been a slideshow of 17 wire pictures featuring Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton and her long-time aide Huma Abedin in various settings, including the 2008 campaign trail and several countries Clinton visited as Secretary of State. Its description refers to Abedin as Clinton’s “body woman”—an appellation borrowed, it seems, from a 2006 Observer article—and Abedin’s job as “assisting the former secretary of state’s move back into her private life.” Its title is, “How close are Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton?”

Friendly Fire in the American Patriot Death Cult

Brendan O'Connor · 04/12/16 10:15AM

One afternoon in early January, just outside the small, north Texas town of Pottsboro, Vincent Smith shot and killed his friend, Charles Carter, who was drunk. The two were members of the American patriot movement, and they had been organizing, through Facebook, a march of gun rights evangelists on Washington. According to those who knew him, just before he was killed, Carter was expressing an interest in acquiring the makings of a bomb. The march imploded, just feet from where it began, before it ever got on the road.

Is Conservative Icon Phyllis Schlafly About to be Ousted From Her Own Organization?

Andy Cush · 04/11/16 03:47PM

This afternoon, according to the 91-year-old conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly, the board of Eagle Forum—including a shadowy faction of anti-Schlafly board members, known around Eagle Forum as the “Gang of 6”—will hold a secretive telephone meeting. Although she will be on the call, Schlafly can’t say for sure what’s on the agenda for the meeting, but the board is not convening to oust her from the organization she founded 44 years ago. She hopes.

State Senator Emails AP English Teacher to Offer His Thoughts on Beloved (Too Many Breasts)

Andy Cush · 04/06/16 10:50AM

When Toni Morrison’s Beloved was published, in 1987, Margaret Atwood, writing in the New York Times Book Review called it a “triumph.” She wrote of the novel, which has come to be considered one of the most important of the contemporary era, “[Morrison’s prose is] by turns rich, graceful, eccentric, rough, lyrical, sinuous, colloquial and very much to the point.” A few weeks ago, writing in an email to an AP English teacher who is one of his constituents, Virginia State Senator Richard Black called Beloved “moral sewage.”