Beyond Beyond Beyond Beyond Beyond Batman Is Pretty Pretty Pegasus

My kids were talking at dinner about the fictional characters Butterbean and Sparkleface.
Butterbean and Sparkleface are characters on Pretty Pretty Pegasus.
Pretty Pretty Pegasus is a parody of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.
Pretty Pretty Pegasus is a parody of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic that is watched as a show-within-a-show by the characters on Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go! is a backstage spoof of Teen Titans, in which the superhero characters of Teen Titans live out the non-crimefighting side of their lives as a sitcom.
The Teen Titans, a group of young superheroes, were originally modeled on the Justice League of America, featuring the sidekicks of Justice League heroes.
The leader of the Teen Titans, and the only current holdover from the original Teen Titans lineup, is Robin, the Boy Wonder.
Robin was spun off into the Teen Titans because he was Batman’s sidekick.
Batman was given Robin, the Boy Wonder, as a sidekick because the comic’s creators believed that young readers needed to see a hero they could directly relate to.