Maybe someone really is trying to kill Bono. Three days after the U2 singer ate shit while biking in Central Park, Rolling Stone has published a detailed report of his injuries, which include a broken eye orbit, a fractured shoulder, and a shattered left humerus bone (parts which ended up stabbing through the skin of his upper arm).

Bono has already had two surgeries—including one that took five hours—and will require "intensive therapy" to recover. From Dr. Dean Lorich's statement to Rolling Stone:

On November 16th, Bono was involved in a high energy bicycle accident when he attempted to avoid another rider. Presented as a Trauma Alert to New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell's Emergency Department, his Trauma Work-up at that time included multiple X-rays and CAT scans showed injuries that include:

1. Left facial fracture involving the orbit of his eye.

2. Left scapula (shoulder blade) fracture in three separate pieces.

3. Left compound distal humerus fracture where the bone of his humerus was driven though his skin and the bone was in six different pieces. He was taken emergently to the operating room for a five-hour surgery Sunday evening where the elbow was washed out and debrided, a nerve trapped in the break was moved and the bone was repaired with three metal plates and 18 screws.

4. One day later, he had surgery to his left hand to repair a fracture of his 5th metacarpal.

He will require intensive and progressive therapy, however a full recovery is expected.

Damn. And all this just a week after the singer narrowly escaped death and lost his luggage in a terrifying plane mishap. Gotta be more careful, Bono.

[Image via Getty]