In Birmingham, Alabama, on Tuesday, a city councilman and the mayor got into a fight, the Associated Press reports. A literal fistfight. They both had to go the hospital with minor injuries.

Police said Councilman Marcus Lundy is accused of the assault. Mayor William Bell was the victim. From the AP:

A video of the council meeting captures sounds of a man repeatedly shouting “No!” from outside the council chamber before the presiding member calls for a recess.

Members scurry past double doors decorated with Christmas wreaths toward the noise as the gavel slams down, and a perplexed look crosses the face of a man who was making a presentation.

According to a police report, Lundy attacked Bell in a room behind council chambers while discussing a city matter that eventually turned to a personal issue. The AP continues:

According to the report, Bell told police he turned and tried leaving the room three times, but that Lundy closed the door each time before grabbing him by the neck from behind and putting him in a chokehold.

Two of Lundy’s assistants came into the room to break up the scuffle but refused to give interviews with police until after they spoke with legal counsel, police said.

Council President Johnathan Austin said Lundy told him that he planned to press charges against Bell, who Lundy alleges was trying to get him fired.

“What occurred at City Hall today is a direct reflection of the lack towards the Council and unwillingness to cooperate,” Austin told “We have worked continuously to move this city forward, and it’s a sad day when council members are attacked while trying to do the job that they were elected to do.”

He said the incident was a result of Bell’s unwillingness to cooperate with the city council: “This is a democracy, not a dictatorship.”

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