
Oxford, Alabama Sends Powerful Message to Trans People in Public Bathrooms: Hurry Up

Rich Juzwiak · 04/27/16 01:34PM

The city council of Oxford, Alabama unanimously passed a public ordinance last night making it illegal to use a public restroom bearing a gender-specific label that doesn’t match that of a person’s birth certificate. The proposed fine for such an infraction is $500 or six months of jail time. Of course, that’s if they catch you.

Horndog Alabama Governor Got Taxpayer-Funded Helicopter Wallet Delivery After Fight With Wife

Andy Cush · 04/14/16 04:28PM

Robert Bentley, the most powerful breast man in Alabama, once had a state law enforcement helicopter deliver his wallet to him at his beach house after he accidentally left it at home, about 250 miles away. And why was the governor leaving the house in such a hurry in the first place? His wife, whom he was probably cheating on, was mad at him. The old ball and chain, am I right boys!!

Alleged Mistress Resigns as More Gossip Swirls Around Alabama's Horny Governor

Jordan Sargent · 03/30/16 06:10PM

This afternoon, Rebekah Caldwell Mason—senior advisor to, and alleged mistress of, Alabama Governor Robert Bentley—resigned from her position less than a week after leaked audio recordings revealed what appeared to be a physically and emotionally intimate relationship between her and the governor. It is just the biggest blow in a week in which the foundation of Bentley’s administration has continued to crack.

Leaked Audio: Alabama Governor Tells Advisor That He Cherishes Touching Her Breasts

Jordan Sargent · 03/23/16 09:56PM

This morning, a recently deposed top police officer in Alabama told that he had heard audio of the state’s governor, Robert Bentley, having a sexually charged conversation with Rebekah Caldwell Mason, a top advisor who, dating back to last year, has been rumored to be the governor’s mistress. Late this afternoon, the audio of that conversation leaked, forcing Bentley to hold a press conference in which he apologized for his remarks while still maintaining that he and Mason never had an affair.

Ex-Police Official Says He Heard a Horny Recording of Alabama Governor and Top Advisor

Jordan Sargent · 03/23/16 11:42AM

Alabama governor Robert Bentley is widely suspected of having carried on an affair with a woman named Rebekah Caldwell Mason, who currently serves as one of his most senior advisors. Although the rumors of infidelity are public enough that several fellow state Republicans asked the attorney general to investigate, Bentley, who divorced his wife last year, has always denied he was unfaithful.

Hardline Anti-Immigration Reform Senator Jeff Sessions Endorses Trump

Brendan O'Connor · 02/28/16 06:12PM

On Sunday, Senator Jefferson (“Jeff”) Sessions endorsed Donald Trump during a campaign event in his home state of Alabama. Sessions is the upper chamber’s most strident opponent of immigration reform, and the first senator to endorse the billionaire real estate developer.

A State Judge Just Barred Gay Marriage in Alabama

Gabrielle Bluestone · 01/07/16 01:58PM

Roy S. Moore, pictured above, is the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, the highest authority in the state’s highest court. This week, he used his considerable influence to (again) outlaw gay marriage in Alabama.