Brian Lewis Speaks Out: Roger Ailes and Fox News Should Fear Him

Brian Lewis’s attorney Judd Burstein just provided this statement to Gawker:
I have just been retained and am still plotting our course of action. But two things are very clear to me. First, Brian Lewis no longer has any confidentiality obligation to Newscorp or Roger Ailes because of the false and malicious statements made by Fox to date. Second, Roger Ailes and Newscorp have a lot more to fear from Brian Lewis telling the truth about them than Brian Lewis has to fear from Roger Ailes and his toadies telling lies about Brian Lewis.
Judd Burstein
Fox News President Roger Ailes fired Lewis in late July following accusations of “financial irregularities” and “multiple, material and significant breaches of his employment contract.”
21st Century Fox was not immediately available to comment.
[Image via Fox News]