One of two students who drank punch at a Brown University frat house in mid-October has tested positive for date-rape drug GHB, the Providence Journal reports. Brown representatives sent out a campus-wide email announcing the test results on late Saturday, in compliance with the Clery Act.

The two students attended a party at the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity on October 17. One student's test results came back positive for GHB, while the second student's results are still pending, Margaret Klawunn, vice president for Campus Life and Student Services at Brown said in the university-wide email.

Via the Providence Journal:

The students who drank the punch at the Brown chapter of Phi Kappa Psi — the only fraternity at Sears House — reported "a rapid onset of intoxication," beyond what would be expected for the amount they had to drink, and "memory loss for a significant period of time," according an earlier campus-wide notice sent by Klawunn.

Brown has said that it suspended the fraternity which hosted the Oct. 17 event, the email states.

Any students with information on the incident are being asked to call (401) 863-3322 and speak with Sgt. John Carvalho at the Brown University Department of Public Safety.

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