Car Plows Through Group of Ferguson Protestors

A Minneapolis woman was hurt today during a Ferguson rally when a driver apparently accelerated through an intersection full of protestors.
A Star Tribune reporter on the scene said demonstrators were gathering in south Minneapolis in preparation for a Michael Brown rally around 4:30 p.m. Tuesday when a station wagon suddenly accelerated through the crowd.
Reports the Star Tribune, which also published video of the incident:
A Star Tribune reporter who is at the rally says that witnesses say the vehicle started honking at protesters blocking the intersection before running down a woman around the start of the rally at 4:30 p.m.
Moments after the woman was struck, a group of demonstrators pounced on the hood of the vehicle, while others tried to free the victim. Witnesses say that the woman's leg was caught under the car.
Other demonstrators stood hand-in-hand around the woman, who was treated by paramedics in the intersection before she was wheeled into an ambulance. The extent of the woman's injuries is unknown.
The video shows some protestors may have already been on the car's hood when the woman was struck, but it's unclear whether they got on the car themselves or were hit when the driver accelerated through the intersection. A police spokesperson told Minnesota Public Radio news that she was transferred to a nearby hospital.
EMTs help woman apparently hit by vehicle amid #ferguson protests on Lake St in #mpls
— Matt Sepic (@msepic) November 25, 2014