Eric Clapton Puts Paltry Amount of Money Where His Unmasked Mouth Is
The wealthy racist contributed a measly $1,300 to fellow vaccine-hesitant musicians.
Legendary racist and up-and-coming vaccine skeptic Eric Clapton has been in the news lately for various vaccine-related reasons. He and Van Morrison did an anti-vax anthem together called “Stand & Deliver” (interesting sample line: “Do you wanna be a free man, or do you wanna be a slave?”), and more recently he announced, via right-wing extremist platform Telegram, that he would only perform in venues that allowed those experiencing COVID-19 symptoms to spit directly into his mouth (paraphrasing). Now, according to a report from Rolling Stone, he’s donated a measly $1,300 to some shitty anti-vax band called “Jam for Freedom.”
According to Google results derived from the search “how much money does eric clapton have,” Eric Clapton, who is vaccinated himself, has $450 million. His immense wealth did not stop him, however, from donating only $1,300 via a GoFundMe campaign to the UK-based anti-vax jam band. A curiously miniscule amount for someone who claims to really care about making a bunch of people sick. According to the report, he also offered the band use of an old van for touring. (It is not clear to this reporter whether the old van is a vehicle or if it is Van Morrison.)
Jam for Freedom — “LIVE MUSIC TO DEFEND MENTAL HEALTH, LIBERTY AND MEDICAL CHOICE” — states, on their website, that “no medical records, medical devices, or mandatory drugs will ever be required to attend our festivals or events.” According to the Daily Mail, their songs feature such lyrics as: “You can stick your poison vaccine up your ass.” As long as you’re sticking it somewhere, I guess.
Band member Cambel Mclaughlin claims that, in addition to his extremely small donation that makes you wonder if he really cares about the anti-vax cause at all, Clapton also texted him. “It was something complimentary, along the lines of, "Hey, it’s Eric — great work you’re doing,” he said. Cool man.
Eric Clapton — racist, anti-vax, and cheap? Doesn’t sound “wonderful tonight” to me!