Oi, Fancy a Quickie, Miss? Kate Middleton Got Wolf-Whistled in Leeds
The Princess of Wales smiled through the smut

HelloOoOoOo nurse, and a very hearty awooga to the missus: Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales, was the recipient of a lecherous wolf-whistle while on an official visit to a market in Leeds. Aw, c’mon sweetie! It’s a compliment! Beautiful woman like you got a boyfriend?
If the late Queen of England were ever to be catcalled like this, she probably would’ve lobbed a swift “sod off!” back at the aggressor. Kate, stoic as ever, ignored it. According to the Daily Mail, “Kate appeared to hear the distinctive two-note greeting as she waved and smiled to crowds who gathered at Leeds Kirkgate Market to see her. The wolf-whistle appeared to register with the future queen but she politely ignored it and kept walking past the stalls to the launch of her new early years campaign.”
It was, in fact, very “polite” of her to ignore, especially considering the culture in which we’re living. The Mail reports that the lascivious looky-looer who trumpeted his approval at Ms. Middleton could hypothetically face two years in prison if a proposed British law about street harassment passes.
Not for nothing, The Mail ran a poll asking if wolf-whistling should be made illegal in the UK. As of press time, 79% of votes say wolf-whistling should stay legal, which maybe says more about their readership, of which I am a voting member, than it does about policy.
She kept it moving after the holler, as her “life’s work,” an early childhood engagement campaign, kicked off. Kate was able to carry on with her day, joining “a discussion with market sellers and local people to hear about their experiences of early childhood” for her Shaping Up initiative. The only thing more powerful than culturally ingrained misogyny is a woman’s power to be chatting at the shops.