Meri Brown After Announcing Divorce: How Dare 'People' Say I'm Divorced?
She is, of course, still separated from husband Kody Brown

We are pausing all breaking Prince Harry updates about harvested organs and frozen todgers to bring you an update on the status of Kody Brown and Meri Brown’s marriage. Yeah, her signature Rice Krispies failed to re-woo Kody, and yeah, he was repulsed by all of his wives but Robyn sexually, and yeah, they’re definitely splitting up. All that is true. But according to Meri, People’s reporting was based on lies.
In an Instagram statement signed by both Kody and Meri, the always unhappy couple announced “in light of a recent unapproved press release, we feel compelled to share our own truth, in our own way, and in our timing.”
In the caption, Meri goes long. She writes, “Last month's article by the 'reputable' People Magazine quoting me as saying that I had 'confirmed' that Kody and I had separated was a complete lie. The information, content, and timing was inaccurate and was based on a highly edited version of events that had been filmed months prior.” Meri is referring to her conversation with Sister Wives: One-on-One host Sukanya Krishnan.
People reported last month:
During her conversation with [Sister Wives: One-on-One] host Sukanya Krishnan, Meri watches a clip of Kody saying he doesn't consider himself married to her. "If she wanted to move on and marry another, she wouldn't get into an argument with me," he tells cameras in a confessional.
Sukanya then asks Meri how it makes her feel to hear those words from her husband.
"It just doesn't make sense to me that he would be so frustrated with Christine [Brown] and be like, 'She just made this decision. We didn't consult, we didn't talk, she just made the decision and then he says, 'No, I don't consider myself married to Meri,'" she says. "Like, he just made the decision. I've never heard him say that to me."
While People reported the story as if they’d reached out to Meri for a quote for publication, Meri’s new Insta testimony instead suggests that the publication took Meri’s filmed, resigned reaction to Kody’s pipe dream of a spiritual divorce from her as a confirmation on its own.
Meri continued in the caption, “I am not, and pray that I never will be, in a place where I will enjoy making, or seeing you make, rude and demeaning comments about him.” Rats! “Please try to refrain from congratulating me at the break up of my marriage,” she also said.
I guess out of respect for Meri’s wishes, I will not congratulate either of them for dissolving a toxic, loveless existence. But I want to!