Chrissy Teigen, who recently expressed an interest in forgiveness for her past behavior, has something else to confess. In a video posted to Instagram Stories yesterday, Teigen revealed that she had her cheek fat removed (under the care of celebrity plastic surgeon Dr. Jason Diamond).
“I did that Dr. Diamond buccal fat removal thing,” she said, pronouncing “buccal” like “buckle,” which is not how I thought you would say it but is apparently correct.
So what exactly is buccal fat removal? It sounds scary, and according to this article on beauty website, it is. The procedure goes like this: “an incision is made inside your cheeks, from the mouth, and the buccal fat pads are located manually...the surgeon or an assistant will then feel around for the buccal pads, which just look like little globs of fat, and pop them out of your face.”
Aah! Of the end result, Teigen said: “I like it.”
Teigen Tales is a series about Chrissy Teigen. Previously: Teigen Tales: Forgive People, Says Chrissy Teigen From Her New Porsche.