Meghan McCain (Again): Joy Behar Was Mean to Me
She hadn't brought it up in a minute
Meghan McCain, who is the daughter of the late John McCain in case you forgot, is still talking about her time on The View. There’s somehow more to say, apparently! On the Commentary Magazine Podcast, McCain revealed that it was a comment from Joy Behar that finally got her to leave the show that she once called “an anthropological experiment at left-wing media” (whatever that means).
McCain gave birth to a daughter (named Liberty, of course) in September of 2020, and when she returned from maternity leave in January, co-host Joy Behar did not mince words.
“I finally went back to the show, and the day I went back to the show, Joy Behar said on air, ‘Nobody missed you, we didn’t miss you, you shouldn’t have come back,'” McCain recounted on the podcast.
This is a minor misrepresentation of what actually happened. The hens were clucking about Bernie Sanders, and McCain joked to Behar, “You missed me so much when I was on maternity leave. You missed me so much. You missed fighting with me.” To which Behar responded, “I did not. I did not miss you.” McCain called the comment “nasty,” and Whoopi Goldberg stepped in to move things along.
McCain said that after that encounter she “started hysterically crying” and “lactating on air.” Afterwards she said she went to her office and vomited. Yuck!
“I didn’t feel supported when I had my baby, and I didn’t feel supported coming back, and that was ultimately it,” McCain said. To be fair, if part of my job description was getting yelled at by Joy Behar I would probably quit too, she’s got a sharp tongue.
McCain has told other versions of this story before, most notably to Sean Hannity and in her “audio memoir” Bad Republican. Three’s a trend, so it looks like “Joy Behar was mean to me” will be joining the ranks of “my FATHER” as one of McCain’s signature lines.