Rancher and outspoken racist Cliven Bundy earned notoriety in 2014 for starting a large, armed standoff against the federal government because he was angry about his cows. This week, he’s urging the rural radicals once commanded by his son to continue their armed occupation of a remote wildlife refuge in Harney County, Oregon.

After a month of dildo-waving and threatening to kill FBI agents, the Oregon confrontation seems to be winding down. A shootout with law enforcement left one of the militia’s main figures dead and several others apprehended and facing prison time. Following his arrest, Ammon Bundy (the de facto commander and most public face of the aggrieved pseudo-patriots) urged his former followers to stand down and vacate the Malheur Wildlife Refuge. His father doesn’t agree.

In a letter posted to the official Bundy Ranch blog and addressed to Harney County’s sheriff, Governor Kate Brown, and Barack Obama, Cliven insists the refuge will remain occupied:

Bundy also demands that “all federal and state policing agents” be removed from the entire county. Notably, Cliven Bundy is not in Harney County. He also misspells the name of the wildlife refuge.

Photo: Getty

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