
Dramatic New Cell Phone Video Shows Final Moments of Oregon Militiaman's Life

Sam Biddle · 03/17/16 08:38AM

Earlier this month, the Oregon police produced a video recorded inside the truck of LaVoy Finicum, the radical gunman who helped occupy a federal bird refuge before he was ultimately shot to death in a highway confrontation. Now, you can watch the militiaman practically beg to be killed in the final moments of his life.

It Looks Like the Oregon Occupiers Left a Giant Trench of Poop Near Important Native American Grounds

Andy Cush · 02/17/16 09:20AM

FBI agents investigating the scene of the Oregon wildlife reserve occupation this week found a trench full of “significant amounts of human feces” that was apparently left by Ammon Bundy’s band of antigovernment militants. According to a court filing reported by Reuters, the shit hole was either on top of or next to “grounds containing sensitive artifacts” of the Burns Paiute Native American Tribe.

Cliven Bundy Denied Bail in Oregon

Brendan O'Connor · 02/16/16 11:08PM

Cliven Bundy was denied bail in Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday, the Guardian reports. He is charged with felony conspiracy to impede federal officers in connection with the 2014 at his Nevada ranch. “If he’s released and goes back to his ranch, that’s likely the last the court will see of him,” the judge said.

The Oregon Militia Standoff Is Over

Sam Biddle · 02/11/16 02:02PM

After a month and a half, the last anti-government radical has left the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Burns, Oregon.

Cliven Bundy Tells Last Remaining Oregon Militia Idiots to Stand Their Ground

Sam Biddle · 02/02/16 02:37PM

Rancher and outspoken racist Cliven Bundy earned notoriety in 2014 for starting a large, armed standoff against the federal government because he was angry about his cows. This week, he’s urging the rural radicals once commanded by his son to continue their armed occupation of a remote wildlife refuge in Harney County, Oregon.

Oregon Militia Idiots Promise to Leave if Chris Christie Can Beat Them in a Sumo Match

Ashley Feinberg · 01/26/16 09:45AM

The nature trail warrior cosplayers are hitting day 25 of their exercise in extended squatting, and it looks like cabin fever has finally taken its toll. Because now, they’ve promised to leave if Chris Christie can beat the man you see above in a sumo match. In other words, Chris Christie is finally good for something.

Oregon Governor Asks Federal Government to End Armed Militia Takeover

Sam Biddle · 01/21/16 02:06PM

In two letters drafted yesterday, Governor Kate Brown of Oregon requested direct and immediate help from the White House and Department of Justice to end the militia standoff in her state, calling them “armed criminals” and “[insisting] on a swift resolution” to the occupation.

Drama Alert! The Oregon Militia Boys Are Beefing Like Instagram Teens

Sam Biddle · 01/12/16 12:58PM

Drama, drama, drama! The loosely organized anti-government radicals who took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge were hoping to provoke a war with the federal government—but instead they’ve found themselves at war with each other, feuding, fussing, and freezing.

Leader of Army Plot to Assassinate Obama Apparently Attended the 2008 Republican Convention as a Page

John Cook · 08/27/12 03:41PM

Isaac Aguigui, the Army private and alleged ringleader of a plot to assassinate Barack Obama and "take over" Ft. Stewart in Georgia, apparently served as a page at the 2008 Republican National Convention in Minnesota. That's his mug shot after he was arrested for the alleged murder of Pvt. Michael Roark on the left. At right is a 2008 Reuters photo with the caption: "Republican National Convention page Isaac Aguigui watches from the edge of the floor at the start of the first session of the 2008 Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota September 1, 2008."

Domestic Terror Suspects Put on House Arrest

Jeff Neumann · 05/04/10 05:15AM

Nine members of the Michigan-based Hutaree militia, who plotted to kill police officers and establish their own country, were ordered to be put on house arrest until trial because prosecutors could not prove that they pose a threat. What?